Friday, January 16, 2009


Break's almost over, which means school is just around the corner. Am I bummed? Somewhat. I was expecting a whole lot more out of this break, but it just didn't happen. People had work, people had class, people just didn't go out. BUT I had my fun, but I guess it's time to buckle down and focus. Hopefully that'll happen this semester, 'cause I really need it. :X

I'm bummed about being sick this whole week. The last week of break, and I'm sitting here coughing my lungs out - literally. I think I might have bronchitis or something. I should probably go see the doctor, but I'm just too lazy to. Being sick gets in the way of so much.

I SHOULD have gone to Stillwater with Chris for $5 all-you-can-drink-beer tonight... But apparently acetaminophen (Tylenol, pretty much) and alcohol can cause acute liver failure, and possibly death. One half of me wanted to say "fuck it, what are the odds?" while the other half wanted to be a punk bitch and stay in Norman. The second half won. Fuck.

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