Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Strange Day

Today started out weird. Last night I had a weird dream. I won't elaborate any further, but it definitely got me thinking. I woke up an hour before my alarm was supposed to go off (I usually press the snooze button at least a couple times), and I couldn't go back to sleep even though I was dead tired. So I laid in bed for an hour and got up at 9.

I got to work on time (this never happens). My boss decided to take an early lunch (10:00, as opposed to his usual 12:00), and still hasn't come back at 12:50. The light keeps automatically turning off in the lab, which is annoying because I have to stand up in front of the sensor to turn it back on.

So I'm sitting at work, and I have to go to the bathroom. I walk over to the bathroom, and get ready to take a leak. To my surprise, I can't find my... you know. Turns out I put my boxers on backwards this morning.

At least I found $2 on the ground on the way back.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA, I hate those lights too.